

Using Word 2007 ribbons for tables

If you only occasionally use Word 2007 (the word processor in Microsoft Office 2007), you might find its ribbons less intuitive than were the menus in earlier versions of Word. This can be especially frustrating while creating and maintaining tables. This document can help you remember where to find, and how to use, various Word 2007 table tools, including its:
  • Table icon
  • Design ribbon
  • Layout ribbon
  • Borders and Shading window

Creating a new table - The easiest-to-find Word 2007 table tool is the Table icon that lets you create new tables. To create a new Word 2007 table, do the following:
  1. Click the Insert tab to display its ribbon as shown in Figure 1 below.
  2. Double-click the Table icon, and then click Insert Table to display its window as shown in Figure 2 below.
  3. Select your numbers of columns and rows, and then click OK. For example, as shown in Figure 3 below, you might choose four columns and seven rows.
Figure 1 - The Insert ribbon contains this Table icon.
Figure 2 - The Insert Table window lets you choose your numbers of columns and rows.
Figure 3 - This sample new table contains four columns and seven rows.

Accessing table ribbons - The relatively-easy-to-find Word 2007 Design and Layout table ribbons contain table tools. Placing the text-insertion point (flashing cursor) anywhere within a table displays the yellow Table Tools label and the Design and Layout tabs as shown in Figure 4 below. You can then do either of the following:
  • Click the Design tab to display its ribbon as shown in Figure 5 below. The Design ribbon contains tools for formatting the overall table.
  • Click the Layout tab to display its ribbon as shown in Figure 6 below. The Layout ribbon contains tools for manipulating columns, rows, and cells.
Figure 4 -The yellow Table Tools label highlights the table ribbon tabs, Design and Layout.

Figure 5 - The Design table ribbon contains tools for formatting the overall table.
Figure 6 - The Layout table ribbon contains tools for manipulating columns, rows, and  cells.

Note: For another table example table created through ribbons, please see Creating a cumulative status report through MS Word.

Applying borders and shading - The not-so-easy-to-find Word 2007 Borders and Shading window contains traditional, intuitive tools for applying borders, grids, and shading to your selected cells. To access the Borders and Shading window, do the following:
  1. Place the text-insertion point anywhere within the table you wish to edit.
  2. Click the Design tab to display its ribbon.
  3. At the lower-right corner of the Design ribbon, click the small arrow (at the right of Draw Borders) to display the Borders and Shading window as shown in Figure 7 below.
Figure 7 - The Borders and Shading window contains traditional, intuitive tools
for applying borders and shading to your selected cells.

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